Thursday, October 22, 2009

Homeschooling In Action/First Day

FREEDOM THINKERS, here we come!!! Alhamdullilah, after a test and some du'a that Allah in His Mercy have answered my 4 pumpkins are now homeschooled!!! YAYYY! The day before, after being told they needed to be in a school and me so upset I am about to burst at the seams, Allah made a situation for my niece at the 'new school' and now here they all are, happy as little clams all 4 of them doing their first days work, which is arts and crafts day so they are gleefully learning how to sew. What else would you, those who know me well, expect?

After naming our school, setting up rules, daily schedule and what subject we will work on each day the girls jumped right into their work (for 2 hours!) and made 'outfits' for their Fulla dolls. Fulla is cool, she has on a pair of undershorts and a tank top that stays on. Her breasts aren't like huge, silicone balls on her body and of course, she dresses modestly.

I am beside myself with joy. We have so many plans, Insha Allah, to learn in an 'alternative' method by going and doing, not just sitting at a desk and being TOLD what to think. I want my girls to arrive at conclusions, receive knowledge and information through EXPERIENCES they can participate in and learn from, not just memorize from a book and then have no life tasks that they actually can refer too.

We all sat down together and made up our goals, our ideas and our excitement for what we will all learn, Insha Allah, together.

You can see hre how upset they are about learning and how deprived they are.

I made this blog to share as an encouragement for other potential or practicing homeschoolers. Mothers are childrens first teachers and instead of leaving them in a school where they are yelled at constantly and told they are "bad girls" on the first day of school, they are with their mother, talking, singing, asking questions and figuring things out for themselves. I love this!!! No job, no money, no outside time to myself while my children sit at a desk all day and are herded from room to room can compare with watching their 'lightbulb' moments and funny made up songs and actually SHARING so they can finish their work.

These are the good ol' days...